The most important part of choosing a cheap hosting company that meets your specifications is research. There are thousands of cheap web hosts that are available to you, and each of them makes nearly identical promises to the other hosts. The best thing that you can do to better examine the situation is to read actual customer reviews.
Read Reviews from Multiple Sources
To make sure that you are reading reviews from actual customers you should seek out websites or communities where users of the site are allowed to submit their own miniature reviews of the service in question. Forums on web hosting deals are a great source of information and likely there are at least a few threads chalk full with customer testimonials and stories regarding their time with a company. Make sure to be meticulous when reading web hosting reviews becomes at times it can be hard to tell if the review you are reading is a genuine account of their time with the company.
Talk with Customer Support or Sales Staff
Most large hosting companies employ individuals specifically to deal with potential customers, which in this case will be you. Talking with these employees will give you a better idea about how responsive their customer service is and how long you can expect it to take them to respond to your inquiries. If you can, speak with the customer support and not the sales staff so you can get a better idea of how the service will be once you have already paid and are a customer. Most hosts live or die through their ability to keep customers once they have purchased a package, so you can usually expect some good customer support. Companies that offer cheap hosting will often have a live chat available for you to use so that you can instantly contact the staff with your problems, and this can be useful when you are vetting different potential hosts.
Don’t Be Afraid to Ask questions
One of the most underrated ways to get information in this day and age is to ask questions. Asking questions will give you specific answers to the questions that you have regarding different packages and will allow you to further analyze the companies that you are considering hosting with. Ask the company questions. Ask former customers of the company questions. Ask anyone who has ever had experience with the company how their experience was.