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Best CMS Hosting 2021

Increasingly popular are sites on CMS platforms: WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento etc. These platforms are popular not only for beginners bloggers, webmasters, but also in large and well known companies. The site of popular worldwide group, Rolling Stone, also works on the CMS platform WordPress.

Because of the convenience and customizable, and also because a large number of plug-ins, more and more online businesses are choosing these platforms for their projects. Even SEO firms prefer projects created in these systems.

What is CMS

To choose the right CMS hosting, you need to understand what a CMS and what it requires.CMS means “Content management system”, ie a platform that allows you to manage, host and manage the content without programming knowledge.These systems are constantly updated and improved, in order to become more convenient to use and prevent hacking your site.

The webmaster has the ability to choose the design that he likes, because there are many themes for different systems. If you have programming skills you can create your own theme.

And one of the key factors why these platforms are popular, they are absolutely free.

CMS hosting

What is CMS hosting? In fact, it hardly differs from conventional hosting. Or rather, differ only settings.If you are an experienced user, you can set a regular shared hosting to use any content management systems.

What are the settings required for these platforms?

  • First of all, you need to create a database.
  • Then you need to download the required system on hosting.
  • Link data base with your cms
  • Then your site is ready for installation of the selected platform.

If you are not versed in data bases or do not want to configure it manually, then CMS hosting for you.In this hosting, you can set any CMS by one click. This so-called one click app. You do not need to create a database file or make connections. Hosting provider do it for you.

Choosing the best cms hosting provider

How to choose the best cms hosting provider? You do not need to look for the answer, since our experts have spent time and money to find the answer to this question.

How do we choose the best web hosting?

  • First, we tested, the hosting, which encourages developers of Content management system.
  • Checked hundreds of sites and reviews
  • Benefited all webhosts that have been pre-tested
  • Assessed the quality of work, friendliness install CMS, and all other parameters that we evaluated in the usual hosting

As a result, we ranked the best cms hosting providers for you.