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Best Web Hosting for Business 2018

If you are the owner of a small business there are several things you should look out for when choosing your web host. The same are true if you want to start an online business or just have some way of making money online.

How to Choose Best Web Hosting for Business

best hosting for business growing upThe main requirement you have is large bandwidth. If all you would own would be a presentation site where you would display the banner of your company, a small presentation and some contact details then you cant expect any heavy traffic towards you. However, if your business is based on the website, if you have some scripts behind it and you offer at least minimum functionality you will need more than a basic plan.

Basic plans are only recommended if you want to show something to the world, without implementing a system of users, a forum or any form of dynamic content. If all you have on your website is pure HTML basic can work for you.

However, as a small business owner you must expect people to register, become active on your website and look for the dynamic content. This attracts to issues. First, of course, is the the bandwidth which is closely related to the amount of traffic you get. The more visitors come your webpage the more bandwidth you will require. The second issue you need to deal with is the disk space. You will have a considerable amount of files stored on the server and most probably the number will increase proportionally with the number of users you will register.

Functionality and programming support is also hugely important for small businesses. Make sure you have a complete overview of what you need in order to develop and support your complete website. You definitely need PHP support, but you might as well need MySQL, ASP, Python, Ruby or eCommerce.

You will also probably want to track your visitors. You need to see how many people visit your website every day and every month, where they come from regionally and which websites referred them to you.

Tracking is very important for small businesses as you can see exactly which components are doing their job properly and which are inefficient. When you choose your web host look out for statistics features and make sure you can keep track of who is visiting what.

hosting support for businessFinally, you shouldnt overlook the support part. A reliable web hosting service offers 24/7 support and is able to solve your issues in minutes. What if, for example, you would want to enable one of their commerce platforms. I bet youre not a guru in all the platforms out there, so youll most probably need some assistance. Its great when that assistance is always at your disposal, helping you solve your issues.

As a small business owner you need to make an informed decision when purchasing the host service. Evaluate your needs and pick the plan which best suits you on the long run.

The Best Web Hosting For Business

Hosting ServiceFeaturesRatingHosting Plans
  • 4500 Free Templates
  • $100 Google AdWords Offer
  • Unlimited Space & Bandwidth
  • 45 Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • Free Domain
  • 1-Click CMS Install
  • Free Data Backups
  • Free SSD Drives
  • Integrated Key Features for WordPress
  • Custom-Designed Control Panel
  • Free Domain Registration
  • Any Time Money-Back Guarantee
  • Free Domain Name
  • €100 Google / Bing Credit
  • Unlimited Space & Bandwidth
  • Free listing
  • Free Domain
  • 1-Click WordPress Install
  • $200 Free Marketing Credits
  • Free Site Builders
  • Free Domain
  • Free Site Builders
  • 1-Click WordPress Install
  • 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee
hostgator best hostingfor business

HostGator for Business

Hosthator absolute best when choosing a hosting provider for business. High quality customer service and easy transition from one type to another host, make hostahor convenient when your business is constantly evolving and require new resources. Companies chosen for their business hosthator leave only positive feedback and recommend it to colleagues.

BlueHost best hosting for business

Bluehost for Business

In our rating, BlueHost has taken the second place. It’s no secret that most owners choose WordPress site for their business. Since our study proved that BlueHost, the best hosting for WordPress, because of their respective owners will choose only the best. If you want to make a site on WordPress, read our review.


Of course, for your business, you can select any hosting service, but then, in practice, you may have some problems. So for you, we ranked the best hosting for business. In order to choose the best provider for you, we are not only the most benefited from these hosting services also interviewed a large number of businessmen who have long, do their business on the Internet. We will be glad if our research becomes for you beginning of a successful business on the Internet.