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4 quick ways to improve site security

Posted in Domains tips, and Hosting tips

Improving the security of your site is easy. In recent years, when there is a growing hacker attacks, cunning phishing schemes, a huge amount of spam and marketing tricks, the security and privacy of the website should be at the highest level.

The safer and more proven your site is, the more customers will trust you. Moreover, the process of protection is not as time-consuming and complex as it may seem at first glance.

According to statistics, the weakest link in many security systems is the human factor – even the strongest firewall can not protect the site from ill-considered clicking on a strange link in an electronic box from a third-party stranger who sent a letter with the title a La “They know your password, click to protect yourself!”

But there is also good news: thanks to very convenient and high-quality tools and technologies that are available at your fingertips, you can protect yourself and your site from various hacker attacks, as well as other impacts. And all this can be done in less time than you spend reading this article.

Domain ID protection

When you register a domain, all of your information that you provide becomes available. It appears on the Whois resource and other similar sites. The data includes not only your name and address but even your mobile number, email and so on. Although this information is necessary at the time of registration of a new domain name, however, it can be hidden from the public eye thanks to the function “protection of domain ID”.

When using the domain ID Protection on websites such as Whois information is displayed not the owner, and the hosting company, which you can reference for further communication.

Without Protection ID domain name, your information may be undertaken by members of different marketing companies for spam attacks, hackers or competitors.


Two-step authentication

Two-step or two-factor authentication (2FA) is one of the convenient features for security, more and more gaining popularity. Authentication in two steps is the ability to log in to your personal account not immediately after entering the password, but also after the system sends you a one-time password confirming the intention to log in.

Why the need for this extra step? Like the CAPTCHA 2FA system, you will be able to make sure that you are the one who logs in to your account, not the hackers and hackers who are trying to gain unauthorized access to your account.

Having two-step authentication will make it difficult to get into your account as it will require your mobile phone and computer to verify your login. 2FA is found on many major websites, including Twitter, Gmail, Facebook, Webmoney and so on.


SSL certificate

The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate is a security add – in that it validates and encrypts your site data. Data encryption securely encodes sensitive information sent over the Internet, while verification ensures that the conversation hosts will not be attacked by a mediator called a “man in the middle”.

In addition, using an SSL certificate on your site will increase the trust of visitors. To convince customers of the complete security of the connection, you can select certificates with a green string, with a lock icon near “https://”, or use the entire combination in the address bar when entering your domain name.

If your website deals with the data processing of e-Commerce, or private records, the presence of SSL certificate is extremely important. Choose the desired certificate can be independently on the sites of hosting providers that support ssl.


Password management

As mentioned earlier, the human factor is the biggest vulnerability on the Internet, however, strong passwords are an effective way to prevent hacker break-ins and unauthorized access. Unfortunately, many do not understand this precaution.

To verify the complexity of your password, follow these three simple steps:

  1. Make sure your password is difficult. The more characters, capital letters and numbers in it – the better.
  2. Can’t remember passwords for multiple accounts? Use special programs to remember passwords for each site separately, so as not to confuse and not to forget everything you need.
  3. Develop a special scheme for storing passwords so that you can easily write them to your memory.
    You have spent so much time, energy and ideas to create your perfect website, then why is all your work at risk? Listen to these simple recommendations and protect your site from hacking, hacker attacks, loss of information and other unpleasant episodes.

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